
Healthy human blood contains only atrace amount of methemoglobin (HbM), less than 1%. In HbM iron is present in the oxidized ferric state (Fe3+) not in the reduced ferrous form (Fe2+) and this reduces the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen. The described rare hemoglobin variant HbM‑Hyde Park (also known as HbM-Akita) results from the substitution of amino acid tyrosine by histidine at position 93of the beta-globin chain of hemoglobin. The rare Hb variant Hb M‑Hyde Park (Hb M‑Akita) is mainly inherited autosomal dominant and causes methemoglobinemia. Due to the low frequency of inherited HbMvariants, the diagnosis is challenging. Here, we here report on afamily with Hb M‑Hyde Park (Hb M‑Akita) whose members demonstrated Hb M > 10%, but were, asymptomatic except for chronic cyanosis. Due to human mobility and migration other hemogobin variants, such as beta-thalassemia minor have spread to Austria . Agenetic combination of two different hemoglobin variants may result in severe anemia. Genetic counseling for patients with hemoglobin variants, including Hb M‑Hyde Park (Hb M‑Akita) and beta-thalassemia minor, is essential.

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