
Newborn domestic chicks shortly exposed to a conspecific learn to recognize and prefer it over unfamiliar individuals. We assessed whether lack of physical contact or social feedback during familiarization affects affiliative preference, hypothesizing a crucial role of social responsiveness. Four-day-old chicks were tested for their preference between a familiar and an unfamiliar chick. In Exp. 1, we replicated the well-known preference for the familiar individual, even when (Exp. 2) atransparent glass prevented haptic interaction during familiarization. No preference was scored in Exp. 3, using a one-way glass, i.e., the subject could never be seen by its cagemate. The development of preferences toward a familiar but socially unresponsive cagemate was assessed by testing chicks twice (Exp. 4). While behaving at chance on day 2, birds showed a preference for the unfamiliar individual on day 4 of life. Our results highlight the importance of social interaction already in the first stages of life, irrespective of familiarity.

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