
Pharmacy shops were randomly scouted and products were observed. The active ingredients were documented and their frequencies were determined. Forty-four (44) plant species belonging to twenty-eight (28) families were recorded for the treatment of malaria in the survey. The predominant families were the Leguminosae and Meliaceae families. Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Ghanaian quinine or yellow dye root) and Azadirachta indica (neem tree) were the most cited plants. Cryptolepis and neem tree were used 17 and 15 times, respectively, in the finished herbal products for treating malaria. Conclusion. Cryptolepis sanguinolenta and Azadirachta indica (neem tree) are important herbs for the treatment of malaria in Ghana. Locally manufactured herbal antimalarials are important for the treatment of malaria in urban and rural communities in Ghana.

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