
Autumn desiccation of warm-season perennial grasses is one method to enhance the establishment and early production of overseeded cool-season annuals. Potential herbicides were compared with paraquat, glyphosate, and dalapon to desiccate a dallisgrass–bermudagrass sod for overseeding annual ryegrass over a 2-yr period. Fluazifop-P at ≥ 0.14 kg/ha, glufosinate at ≥ 1.12 kg/ha, and haloxyfop at ≥ 0.07 kg/ha provided good dallisgrass desiccation and ryegrass yields similar to those with dalapon and glyphosate. Dallisgrass recovery was inversely related to desiccation rating for all treatments except for paraquat. None of the herbicide treatments had the desired combination of acceptable dallisgrass desiccation, improved early ryegrass production, and acceptable dallisgrass recovery.Nomenclature: Dalapon; fluazifop-P; glufosinate; glyphosate; haloxyfop; paraquat; sethoxydim; annual ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam. ‘Gulf’; bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.). Pers.; dallisgrass, Paspalum dilatatum Poir.Additional index words: Desiccant, overseeding.

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