
This article presents an annotated list of plant type specimens stored in the Herbarium of the IBPC SB RAS (SASY), which is one of the largest in northeast Russia. The Herbarium fund is represented by five departments (vascular plants, mosses, lichens, aphylophore fungi, and algae), where about 95000 herbarium samples are stored exluding algae tests. The Herbarium has a collection of plants from Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, and some central regions of Russia. The exchange fund contains more than 3000 species of plants. Typical samples stored in Herbaria are of a particular value. In total, 14 species and 2 subspecies of liverworts, mosses, and vascular plants from 11 families were isolated from the main collection of the SASY Herbarium, which are represented by 14 types, 16 isotypes, 14 paratypes, and 5 epitypes (Frullania ignatovii Sofronova, Mamontov et Potemkin, Barbula jacutica Ignatova, Grimmia jacutica Ignatova, Bednarek-Ochyra, Afonina, J. Muñoz, Aconogonon amgense (V. Mich. et V. Perf.) Tzvel., Androsace gorodkovii Ovcz. et Karav., Anoplocaryum elenae Volot., Artemisia karavajevii Leonova, Astragalus zhiganicus L. Kuzn., and Castilleja galaсtionovae E.G. Nikolin, Castilleja rubra (Drob.) Rebr. var. multicaulis E.G. Nikolin, Castilleja tenella Rebr., Oxytropis scheludjakovae Karav. et Jurtzev, Rosa acicularis Lindl. subsp. melanocarpa L. Kuzn., Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii Pojark. var. cotoneaster L. Kuzn. et Volot., S. pozdnjakovii Pojark. var. sorbus L. Kuzn. et Volot., Salix x zhataica Efimova, Shurduk & Ahti). Plants, the types of which are stored in SASY, represent the indigenous flora of Yakutia and are found quite rarely in this territory; eight of these species are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and 11 species are endemic. For each sample, a quote of the original label is indicated, and a brief ecology, distribution, and rarity category is given. The originality of the publication of each standard sample is indicated by the images of digitized herbarium sheets and their labels.

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