
Background. HER2 amplification has been reported to occur in 19–30% of breast cancers in women from Western countries. Little is known about the HER2 status in breast cancers from Vietnamese women. The aim of this study was to assess the HER2 status in Vietnamese women with operable breast cancer using immunohistochemistry and silver in situ hybridization techniques. Material and method. Tissue blocks from 242 Vietnamese women with invasive primary breast carcinoma were stained by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and a dual silver in situ hybridization (SISH) for assessing HER2 status. The analysis followed international recommendations with a semi-quantitative grading of the reaction in four levels, “0”, “1+”, “2+” and “3+”. The HER2 gene amplification was assessed by calculating the ratio of HER2/chromosome 17 in 20 tumor cell nuclei. A ratio of <1.8 was classified as non-amplification and a ratio >2.2 indicated tumors with gene amplification. A ratio between 1.8 and 2.2 was equivocal. Results. Using IHC, 39% of the tumors strongly expressed “3+” the HER2 protein. An intermediate level “2+” of the protein was found in 11% while 50% showed no or low “0/1+” levels of protein expression. Gene amplification was found in 95% and 46% of the tumors with high “3+” and intermediate “2+” levels of protein expression, respectively. Thus, 41% of the patients had tumors with HER2 amplification. The concordance between IHC and SISH was 87%. Gene amplification was more frequent in ER negative than in ER positive tumors, 57% versus 33%, respectively. Additionally, tumors from postmenopausal women were amplified in 55% as compared to 36% in premenopausal women. Conclusions. HER2 gene amplification was found in 41% of Vietnamese breast cancers; this level is considerably higher than that previously found in a series of Swedish breast cancer women. The HER2-positive tumors were more often found in post-menopausal women than in ER negative tumors.

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