
Liver function tests, including serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity, serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, serum proteins, blood ammonia levels and intravenous glucose utilization, were monitored in 50 children with acute rheumatic fever receiving anti-rheumatic doses of aspirin. There was a significant increase in blood ammonia levels and serum ALT after aspirin therapy. A significant fall in glucose utilization coefficient was also recorded. Serum alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin and total proteins did not change significantly. Twenty-two of the 50 children recorded a rise in serum ALT; in 12, the rise was five- to tenfold. These 12 children developed adverse symptoms to aspirin. Also, all had a marked rise in blood ammonia levels. The children improved clinically and biochemically on withdrawal of aspirin. There was no constant relationship between hepatocellular function and serum salicylate levels.

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