
The hepatoprotective effects of a Foeniculum vulgare extract was determined in male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The Foeniculum vulgare extract was used in different doses in Paracetamol induced toxicity in rabbits. Foeniculum vulgare seeds were obtained from market and identified by Punjab University. Extract was prepared by maceration method. Foeniculum vulgare seeds 100 gm were weighed after grinding then added in flask. 80% ethanol solution was added four times more than the weight of Foeniculum vulgare powder and then kept for 4 days on shaker and filtered through Whatman filter paper. Solvent extract was evaporated at temperature of 25°C. Extract powder was obtained. Powder extract 250 mg/kg/BW and 500 mg/kg/BW was filled in capsule of 2 & 0 size respectively. 16 rabbits, with an average age of 3-4 months, were taken. They were provided standard diet and water. Animals were kept at light/dark cycle (12/12 h) at a temperature (25 ± 2°C) and relative humidity (60 ± 5%). Animals were kept at Laboratory environment for one week. Study designed animal were divided randomly into 4 group, having 4 animal in each group. Group A served as positive control, given no medicine. Group B was intoxicated with a single dose of Paracetamol (Par-cm) 2 g/kg per oral (P.O.) using carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) 1% as a vehicle. Group C received Foeniculum vulgare seeds hydroalcoholic extract (250 mg/Kg) P.O. daily for 9 days, followed by a single dose of Paracetamol 2 g/kg P.O. on 9th day using carboxymethyl cellulose 1% as a vehicle. Group D was pretreated with Foeniculum vulgare seeds hydroalcoholic extract (500 mg /Kg) P.O. for 9 days, and then a single dose of Paracetamol 2 g/kg P.O. on 9th day using carboxymethyl cellulose 1% as a vehicle. Animals were slaughtered after 24 hours of the last treatment. Blood and liver sample were collected from all controlled and treated rabbits for Liver Function Tests and Histopathological studies. Serum Liver enzymes AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase), ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) and bilirubin were used as indicators to monitor the status of the liver either healthy or damaged. Serum liver enzymes and bilirubin level increased in Group B as compared to Group A. The values of indicators were almost decreased in Group C and Group D. Histopathological studies were used for further confirmation of biochemical analysis. Histopathological study of Group A showed a normal hepatic cell structure. While Group B showed sinusoids congestion and ballooning degeneration. These parameters were found mild and moderate in Group C and Group D. These histopathological findings also supported the biochemical results. Thus the study concluded that the Foeniculum vulgare extract was effective against Paracetamol induced toxicity in rabbits.

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