
Hepatolithiasis is a disease characterized by intrahepatic stone formation, being a challenging disorder with frequent recurrences, development of chronic cholangitis and sepsis, as well as liver abscesses. Notably, without prompt and adequate treatment, hepatolithiasis is associated with the development of cirrhosis of the liver and cholangiocellular carcinoma. Recent reports demonstrate an increasing prevalence of hepatolithiasis, likely due to increased immigration and alterations in the Western diet. There is no clear algorithm for treatment of hepatolithiasis; the major treatment options are still removal of stones, correction of strictures associated with them and prevention of recurrence of cholangitis. The method of choice for hepatolithiasis is endoscopic and percutaneous interventions, in case of their failure open operations are performed in different volumes. However, data on the effectiveness of interventions, frequency of complications and relapses vary significantly according to various researchers. The authors analyse data on the above issue.

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