
Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach was first designated in 1986 by Ishikura. Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach owes its unique features among carcinoma of stomach to its intestinal-type adenocarcinoma mixed with tumor nests towards hepatoid differentiation. In addition, the significant α-fetoprotein-producing capability and special immunohistological staining property of tumor cells are noted. This is the first case in which hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach, proved by immunohistological stain, has ever been reported in Taiwan. Herein, we report the clinical manifestations and histopathological features of a patient with hepatoid adenocarcinoma of stomach with liver metastasis. The resected gastric and liver tumor specimens of the patient revealed strongly positive results by α-fetoprotein immunohistochemical stain.

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