
Introduction. Hepatitis C (HC) is an important medical and social problem in Poland and worldwide. The etiologic factor of the disease is the hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is transmitted by blood and blood preparation.Objective. Epidemiological analysis of the prevalence of hepatitis C in the Polish population, based on preliminary results of scientific studies and statistical data.Results. The estimation data show that in Poland the number of new cases increases annually by approximately 3000 patients. The HCV is characterized by a high level of genetic changeability, which contributes to the limited therapeutic possibilities and renders the development of a vaccine impossible. Since1997 in Poland, the number of deaths due to HCV infection has been increasing, and in the nearest years it will increase several times. In Poland, hepatitis C is frequently noted among hospital-acquired infections. These infections are one of the most frequent sources of legal proceedings by patients and their families.Conclusions. Hepatitis C (HC) is an important clinical, epidemiological, economic and social problem in Poland and worldwide. HCV is characterized by a high degree of variation, which contributes to the limited therapeutic possibilities and makes it impossible to develop a vaccine. Infections with HCV are a frequent cause for bringing civil cases to court by previous patients against health care facilities for compensations for health loss related with infection acquired during diagnosing and treatment. Considering the high risk of infection with HCV virus in health facilities non-specific diagnostics should be carried out within wide range.

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