
The patho-morphological lesions in the liver in late stages of canine endotoxin shock were studied by light and electron microscopy. Light microscopic lesions included sinusoidal dilatations, with accumulation of red cells and leucocytes, varying damage of the sinusoidal lining, microthrombi and widening of the space of Disse. Necrotic foci were in some cases recognized within a varying number of lobuli, at times in the centrilobular areas. Electron microscopy revealed severe hepatocytic damage. These lesions included formation of blebs and other surface protrusions corresponding to cytoplasmic ecdysis. The resulting cytoplasmic fragments seemed frequently to enter the sinusoids. It is suggested that the severe disturbances observed in the proteolytic enzyme systems of plasma during endotoxin shock are influenced by the hepatic parenchymal changes observed.

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