
Amyloidosis is classified according to the distribution pattern of amyloid deposition sites and associated diseases. Hepatic amyloidosis is not infrequent, although rarely causes clinical liver disease. We report two cases of amyloidosis diagnosed by liver biopsy. One presented with symptoms related almost to the liver disease, such as jaundice, hepatomegaly and indigestion. Echocardiogram revealed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, suggesting cardiac involvement of the amyloidosis. The patient died of hepatic failure. The other case was found in a patient with an end stage renal disease. Features of congestive heart failure in this case may reflect cardiac involvement. The pattern of hepatic amyloid deposition in both of these cases was diffuse perisinusoidal. The predominant intralobular deposition suggests that these are amyloidosis of the secondary type.

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