
ABSTRACT Introduction. Hennediella Paris is a globally distributed genus comprising 15 species, of which two are presently known from southern Africa. Field studies in the Cape winter-rainfall area yielded a specimen that could not be assigned to any of the known species of the genus and is here described as new. Methods. Specimens collected using standard bryological field techniques were rehydrated in the laboratory, dissected, and mounted in Hoyer’s solution. Observations and measurements were made using standard stereo and compound microscopy. Key results and conclusions. Hennediella austroafricana Hedd. & M.J.Cano is a new species that is currently known only from the type locality in the Cape winter-rainfall region at Drie Kuilen, where it grew in Matjiesfontein Renosterveld. It is distinct from all other members of the genus in the combination of leaves with a border of short-rectangular, thick-walled, smooth (or at least less papillose) cells, and sporophytes with a thick seta, and a peristome with a high basal membrane and relatively short, straight to slightly twisted, filiform teeth.

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