
OZET Bu calisma, ogrencilerin duygusal yuz ifadelerini tanima duzeylerini belirlemek ve duygusal yuz ifadelerini tanima becerisini gelistirmeye yonelik yapilan ogretimin etkinligini degerlendirmek amaci ile yapilmistir. Arastirma, tanimlayici, ontest-sontest kontrol gruplu deneme modeli ile yari deneysel olarak yapilmistir. Arastirmaya, Ataturk Universitesi Hemsirelik Yuksekokulu’nda 2001–2002 ogretim yilinda birinci ve dorduncu siniflarda ogrenimlerini surduren toplam 160 ogrenci alinmistir. Veriler, ogren-cilerden soru formu ve Dokmen tarafindan gelistirilen Yuz Ifadelerini Teshis Testi (YITT) araciligi ile toplanmistir. Degerlendirmede yuzdelik hesaplamalar, t testi, Kruskal Wallis varyans analizi, korelasyon testi ve Mann Whitney-U testi kullanilmistir Calismada, birinci ve dorduncu sinif ogrencilerinin duygusal yuz ifadelerini anlama becerileri arasinda anlamli fark olmadigi bulunmustur. Deney grubu ile kontrol grubunda yer alan ogrencilerin sontest puan ortalamalari arasinda ileri duzeyde ve deney grubu lehine fark oldugu belirlenmistir. Ayrica, deney grubunda bulunan ogrencilerin on-test puan ortalamalari ile son-test puan ortalamalari arasindaki fark istatistiksel olarak ileri duzeyde anlamli iken, kontrol grubunda bu fark anlamli bulunmamistir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Duygusal yuz ifadeleri, sozsuz iletisim, hemsirelik ogrencileri ABSTRACT Recognizing Skills of Facial Expressions of the Students of School of Nursing and the Effect of Teaching on the Improvement of Students’ Skills This study was carried out with the aim of determining levels of recognizing emotional facial expressions and to evaluate the effectiveness of education carried out on the improvement skills of students relating the emotional facial expressions. The research was carried as descriptive and pretest-posttest experiment model with control group, and semi-experimental. Total 160 students attending to their educations at the first and fourth classes of Ataturk University School of Nursing in the academic year of 2000-2001 were included in the study. One hundred sixty students were included in the study. The data were obtained from the students by means of Emotional Facial Expressions Recognition developed by Dokmen, and question form. In the statistically evaluation of the data, percentage calculations, t test, Kruskal Wallis variance analysis, correlation test and Mann Whitney-U test were used. In this study there wasn't statistically significant difference among score means of Facial Expressions Identification Test of the first and fourth class students. It was determined that there was statistically significant difference in favour of experiment group in advanced level between experiment group and post test score means of control group's students. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference in control group while there was statistically significant distinction between posttest score means and those of pretest of the students in the experiment group. Keywords: facial expressions, nonverbal communication, nursing students

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