
Malaria is responsible for social and economic burden in most lowincome malaria-affected countries. Thus, newer antimalarials are needed to tackle morbidities and mortalities associated with the drug-resistant malarial strains. Haemoglobin digestion inside the food vacuole of malarial parasite would lead to producing redox-active and toxic-free heme. The detoxification process adopted by Plasmodium sp. would give rise to hemozoin (Hz) (betahematin) formation. Targeting the pathway of hemozoin formation is considered a validated target for the discovery of newer antimalarials. This study aims to collect detailed information about aspects of hemozoin (Hz) (betahematin) inhibitors. A systemic search has been carried out using PubMed, Google Scholar, CNKI, etc., for relevant studies having the keyword, 'hemozoin or beta-hematin' for almost the last 2 decades (2000-2021). This review tries to summarize all the recent advancements made for the developments of synthetic, natural isolated phytoconstituents and plant extracts inhibiting the hemozoin (betahematin) formation. Thus they would act as promising antimalarial candidates in the near future.

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