
Trauma is a major source of morbidity and mortality for children worldwide; life-threatening hemorrhage is a primary cause of preventable death. Essential interventions in children with life-threatening hemorrhage include hemostatic resuscitation and mechanical control of bleeding. Herein we review pediatric hemostatic resuscitation, a strategy that addresses both hemorrhagic shock and the coagulopathic complications described in patients with major hemorrhage. Some components of hemostatic resuscitation may include: early and aggressive resuscitation with blood products, minimizing crystalloid and hemodilution, antifibrinolytic adjuncts such as tranexamic acid, and the novel use of low-titer group O whole-blood (LTOWB) transfusion in injured children. The following selection of important publications address the current state of hemostatic resuscitation strategies in pediatric trauma patients as well as the remaining knowledge gaps and areas for further research.

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