
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic results of rubber band ligation inhemorrhoidal disease. Design:. Prospective case series with a minimum follow up of six months. Place and durationof study: At surgical out door department of Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi from January 2002 to July 2003.Patients and methods: One hundred patients with 1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoids were treated by rubber band ligationand injection scelerothrapy in two groups “A” and “B” with 50 patients in each group respectively. They were followedup for six months and therapeutic effects were assessed by improvement in symptom severity score, post procedurecomplications and number of off days from work. Results: In group “A” 38(76%) patients were cured, 7(14%) showedimprovement and 5(10%) showed no improvement. While in group “B” 25(50%) patients were cured, 13(26%) showedimprovement and 12(24%) showed no improvement. In group “A” complications occurred in 15 patients and in group“B” complications occurred in 27 patients, however no serious and life threatening complications were seen. Conclusion:Rubber band ligation is a rapid, safe, effective and economical method of treating 1st and 2nd degree Hemorrhoids inout door

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