
The salinity of estuarine environments can vary widely, exposing resident organisms to considerable osmotic stress. The green crab Carcinus maenas is well known for its ability to osmoregulate in response to such stress. Therefore, we tested the relationship between osmoregulation and hemolymph levels of methyl farnesoate (MF), a compound previously shown to rise in response to various types of environmental stresses. When crabs were transferred from 100% seawater to dilute (hypo-osmotic) seawater, hemolymph osmolality dropped rapidly, reaching an acclimation level 48 h after transfer. Hemolymph levels of MF also rose in these animals after a delay of 6 h, and reached a maximum level at 48 h. MF levels remained elevated as long as the crabs were maintained in dilute seawater, and quickly returned to basal levels when the animals were returned to full strength seawater. In most (but not all) animals, MF levels were elevated when hemolymph osmolality fell below the isosmotic point (approx. 800 mOsm/kg). These data suggest that MF may have a role in osmoregulation by this species. In addition, the elevation of MF by hypo-osmotic seawater suggests an experimental strategy for manipulating MF levels in crustaceans.

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