
Nine horses were premediated with acepromazine, and anesthesia was induced with guaifenesin and thiamylal. Anesthesia was maintained in four horses with halothane in oxygen, and in five horses with halothane in oxygen plus a constant dose infusion of detomidine. Both maintenance regimens produced a MAC equivalent of 1.4 at the ambient barometric pressure. Hemodynamic and respiratory measurements were made after the horses were anesthetized, during surgical manipulations involving skin or tissues other than nerves, during manipulation and transection of digital nerves, and after surgery while the limbs were being bandaged. Heart rate was significantly higher in horses anesthetized with halothane only than in horses that also received detomidine; there were no other differences in hemodynamic function or recovery characteristics. Respiratory rate was significantly higher than baseline during soft tissue and nerve manipulations; arterial blood pressure was significantly higher after surgery began and highest during neurectomy; cardiac output and cardiac index were significantly decreased during surgery; systemic vascular resistance was significantly increased during neurectomy and bandaging and highest during neurectomy. The data suggest that the increase in blood pressure often associated with surgical stimulation is caused by increased vascular resistance and may be accompanied by a decrease in cardiac output.

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