
INTRODUCTION: Traumatic causes can result from penetrating and blunt trauma. Common traumatic injuries that can result in hemorrhagic shock include the following: myocardial laceration and rupture, major vessel laceration, solid abdominal organ injury, pelvic and femoral fractures, and scalp lacerations. Every individual in the world is at risk for traumatic injury. METHODOLOGY:The study was conducted in 50 patients and 50 controls who visited the Emergency Department. This is a prospective comparative study conducted in the adult Emergency Department. Heart rate w RESULTS: as more in the pre-uid resuscitation with a mean of 114.40 compared to the 100.30 in the post-uid resuscitation group Systolic blood pressure wa CONCLUSION: s lesser in the pre-uid resuscitation with a mean of 76.84 compared to the 101.08 in the post-uid resuscitation group

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