
ALTHOUGH many studies have been done to determine the etiology and pathogenesis of bluecomb in turkeys, the disease is still incompletely understood. Since predictable hemic changes accompany certain diseases, the present study was done to provide information on changes in leucocyte counts and plasma protein concentration during bluecomb in turkeys.The etiologic agents have not been identified, although the infectious nature of bluecomb in turkeys, in Minnesota, was first described by Pomeroy and Sieburth (1953). Vibrio spp. (Truscott et al., 1960; Truscott and Morin, 1964; Truscott, 1968) and viral agents (Deshmukh et al., 1969; Fujisaki et al., 1969; Wooley and Gratzek, 1969) have been suspected. Antibiotics are thought to be partially effective in reducing mortality and in improving recovery in some flocks which have had bluecomb (Sieburth and Pomeroy, 1956). The lack of success in identifying etiologic agents has hindered the development of a suitable vaccine or therapeutic regimen. There…

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