
Isotope labeling has been used to assign the resonance Raman spectra of cytochrome c peroxidase, expressed in Escherichia coli [CCP (MKT)], and of the D235N site mutant. 54Fe labeling establishes the coexistence of two separate bands (233 and 246 cm-1), arising from the stretching of the bond between the Fe atom and the proximal histidine ligand, His175. These are assigned to tautomers of the H-bond between the His175 imidazole NΓH proton and the Asp235 carboxylate side chain: In one tautomer the proton resides on the imidazole while in the other the proton is transferred to the carboxylate. When Asp235 is replaced by Asn, the H-bond is lost, and the Fe-His stretching frequency is markedly lowered. Two new RR bands are produced, at 205 and 185 cm-1, as a result of coupling between the shifted Fe-His vibration and a nearby porphyrin mode; the two bands share the 54Fe sensitivity expected for Fe-His stretching. C=C stretching and CβC=C bending vibrations have been separately assigned to the 2- and 4-vinyl groups of the protoheme prosthetic group via selective vinyl deuteration. In the acid form of the enzyme, the frequencies coincide for the two vinyl groups, at 1618 cm-1 for the C=C stretch, and at 406 cm-1 for the CβC=C bend. However, the 2-vinyl frequencies are elevated in the alkaline form of the enzyme, to 1628 cm-1 for C=C stretching, and to 418 cm-1 for CβC=C bending, while the 4-vinyl frequencies remain unshifted. Thus, the acid-alkaline transition involves a protein conformation change that specifically perturbs the 2-vinyl substituent. This perturbation might be a reorientation of the vinyl group, or an alteration of the porphyrin geometry that affects the porphyrin-vinyl coupling. The perturbation is attenuated when CO is bound to the enzyme; the C=C frequency is then unaffected in the alkaline form, while the CβC=C bending frequency is shifted to a smaller extent (412 cm-1). This attenuation is probably linked to inhibition of distal histidine binding to the heme Fe in the alkaline form when the CO is bound. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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