
The collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) inhabits regions of the Southwest experiencing seasonal extremes in rainfall which influence the quantity and quality of available food. Seasonal adaptations of the peccary were studied by Zervanos and Hadley (1973). The peccary responds physiologically to environmental stress by lowered reproductive success (Low 1970, Bissonette 1982). If these and other adaptations also are reflected in certain hematological variables, such values may be useful in monitoring peccary-environment interactions, hence their physical condition. Baseline hematology values currently are available for three individual collared peccaries from zoos (Hawkey 1975, Schalm et al. 1975). Zervanos and Hadley (1973) noted seasonal variation in the mean hematocrit (%) values of five to nine peccaries on two diets and a dehydration regime. This paper presents 12 hematological values for captive and wild peccaries and examines the influence of season, sex, age, and nutritional change on the various parameters.

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