
The shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, is an imperiled species distributed along the Atlantic coast of North America. Interest in replenishing wild stocks with hatchery-reared fish has created a need for accurate hematologic and biochemical reference intervals to evaluate the health of both fish raised in aquaculture systems and fish in the wild. The objective of this study was to generate hematologic and biochemistry reference intervals for healthy shortnose sturgeon. Blood samples were collected in heparinized tubes from 77 shortnose sturgeon raised in flow-through aquaculture systems. Whole blood and plasma samples were analyzed for hematologic and biochemical variables using standard techniques. Reference intervals were calculated as the central 95% (percentile) of data. Hematologic reference intervals (n = 46) were as follows: PCV 26-46%, hemoglobin 5.7-8.7 g/dL, MCV 307-520 fL, MCH 65.9-107.1 pg, MCHC 15-30 g/dL, plasma proteins (refractometry) 2.8-6.0 g/dL, RBC count 0.65-1.09 x 10(6)/microL, total WBC count 28,376-90,789/microL, small lymphocytes 9063-56,656/microL, large lymphocytes 2122-10,435/microL, neutrophils 3758-33,592/microL, monocytes 0-7137/microL, eosinophils 0-1544/microL, thrombocyte-like cells 6863-23,046/microL, thrombocytes 32,205-122,179/microL, and neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio 0.068-1.026. Plasma chemistry reference intervals (n = 77) were as follows: total protein 2.7-5.3 g/dL, albumin 0.8-1.7 g/dL, globulins 1.8-3.7 mg/dL, creatinine 0-1.4 mg/dL, total bilirubin 0-0.1 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase 47-497 U/L, aspartate aminotransferase 90-311 U/L, sodium 124-141 mmol/L, potassium 2.9-3.7 mmol/L, chloride 106-121 mmol/L, calcium 6.6-12.1 mg/dL, magnesium 1.6-2.3 mg/dL, phosphorus 5.1-8.1 mg/dL, glucose 37-74 mg/dL, cholesterol 42-133 mg/dL, and osmolality 232-289 mOsm/kg. Reference values reported here will be useful for the early detection, identification, and monitoring of disease and sublethal conditions in cultured shortnose sturgeon.

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