
During this retrospective study, 18 plasma blood chemistry and 17 complete blood count (CBC) samples were analyzed from clinically healthy spotted eagle rays ( Aetobatus narinari) at Georgia Aquarium in order to generate hematological ranges for complete blood count (CBC) and biochemical profiles. Summary statistics were generated according to the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology guidelines for the determination of reference intervals in veterinary species. 4 The mean packed cell volume (PCV) was 28.09% with a range of 23-35%. Mean total solids were 5.72 g/dl with a range of 5-7.0 g/dl. Lymphocytes were the dominant leukocyte observed on differential (67.35%), followed by fine eosinophilic granulocytes (FEGs) (15.41%), coarse eosinophilic granulocytes (CEGs) (10.24%), monocytes (1.88%), and basophils (1.24%). Chemistry samples were analyzed at two diagnostic laboratories, Michigan State University (MSU) and University of Miami (UMiami), and the results were compared. Both labs have the capacity to run blood chemistries on zoo and aquatic species, but utilize different methods to obtain chemistry analyte values. UMiami uses a thin-film dry-slide technology, whereas MSU uses an ion-selective electrode (ISE) and Beckman Coulter AU 640 analyzer. There is poor agreement between the analyzers used by the two laboratories for both alkaline phosphatase and BUN, because of proportional error. Establishing hematological ranges in spotted eagle rays and in elasmobranchs in general may enhance the understanding of the species and their health. This information may aid clinicians in deciding when and how to treat elasmobranchs.

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