
The indications of neonatal sepsis are vague. A high file of doubt with or without labratory confirmations of disease is the key for early conclusion. The diagnosis of neonatal infection is challenged because traditional markers of infection often mislead instead of diagnosis. The point of this review to assess the worth of gastric suction gram stain as an early marker for determination of neonatal sepsis in correlation with C-receptive protein and absolute white platelet counts The example collected during the period from April 2010 to October 2010" the example were taken from children conceded to the pediatrics-neonatal wards at Tikrit Teaching Hospital who were clinically analyzed as sepsis. The review incorporates 50 cases every one was surveyed clinically by pre-arranged poll including history" clinical evaluation and research center boundaries incorporates gastric suction" C-responsive protein (CRP) and all out WBC count were finished all cases. This study uncovered that" the quantity of likely sepsis was higher in guys 30 (60%) than in females 20 (40%). Among every clinical indication" helpless taking care of had the most elevated extent 39 (78%).Only 18 (36%) youngsters were ordinary birth weight" while 32 (64%) were low and extremely low birth weight. Investigation of maternal gamble factors uncovered that the most successive variable was maternal disease 30 (60%) . Comparable to positive consequences of examinations the cases with positive gram stain more than cases with positive CRP and unusual WBC count. The results of gastric aspirate showed that 19 (38%) of samples were positive. The results of identification showed that the most bacterial infection were gram positive 14 (74%)" while gram negatiive 5 (26%). Results of WBC count showed that 17 (34%) cases had high or low WBC count" while the rest was in the category of normal range. The results of CRP were 15 (30%) positive" at which the differences were statistically significant among positive and negative gram stain cases. Accordingly" we conclude that gram stain provides early identification of the gram-negative or gram-positive status of the organism for preliminary identification more than other traditional tests (CRP and WBC count) that could be used in diagnosis of early neonatal sepsis.

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