
Parasitic helminthoses in domestic animals are triggered by causes originating from the classes: Trematoda (fiatworms), Cestoda (tapeworms) and Nematoda (roundworms), which are in most cases endoparasites. The big presence of different parasitoses in our country are a result of the geographic position and the climatic conditions of certain areas, large agglomerations of cattle in certain localities, an unsatisfactory level of zoohygienic conditions in cattle facilities and on pastures, a diet that is inadequate both in quality and in quantity, a low hygiene level of the diet and watering, limited areas for grazing and their poor quality, extensive maintend diet of the animals, the presence of corresponding vectors or transitory hosts, s a low professional and cultural level of cattle farmers. The prevention of parasitic infections and the fight against their causes implies the severing of the chain of the parasite's biological cycle during one of the stages of its development. That is why it is necessary to destroy the most sensitive ones and the most available development forms of the parasite. Under the conditions when the epizootiological situation in the field is changing unexpectedly, it is necessary to apply the adequate therapeutic methods and prophylaxis in veterinary medicine, and to conduct an organized and planned fight against parasitic infections.


  • Preveniranje parazitskih infekcija i borba protiv njihovih uzro~nika podrazumeva prekidanje lanca biolo{kog ciklusa parazita u nekom od stadijuma njihovog razvoja.

  • U uslovima kada se dinamika epizootiolo{ke situacije na terenu neo~ekivano menja, neophodno je da se adekvatnom primenom metoda terapije i profilakse u veterinarskoj medicini sprovodi organizovana i planska borba protiv parazitskih infekcija.

  • Cilj ovoga rada je da se prikae zastupljenost pojedinih grupa helmintoza, na razli~itim epizootiolo{kim podru~jima Republike Srbije, u proteklih pet godina.

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Preveniranje parazitskih infekcija i borba protiv njihovih uzro~nika podrazumeva prekidanje lanca biolo{kog ciklusa parazita u nekom od stadijuma njihovog razvoja. U uslovima kada se dinamika epizootiolo{ke situacije na terenu neo~ekivano menja, neophodno je da se adekvatnom primenom metoda terapije i profilakse u veterinarskoj medicini sprovodi organizovana i planska borba protiv parazitskih infekcija. Cilj ovoga rada je da se prikae zastupljenost pojedinih grupa helmintoza, na razli~itim epizootiolo{kim podru~jima Republike Srbije, u proteklih pet godina.

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