
An investigation into the helminth species present in cattle in the East Kimberley and Victoria River Districts of Northern Australia was conducted over a 2-year period based on bi-monthly total and differential worm counts in weaner cattle as well as on a post mortem survey of adult cattle sent for slaughter. The most important species found in young cattle were Haemonchus placei and Cooperia spp. Only small numbers of Bunostomum phlebotomum, Nematodirus spathiger, Oesophagostomum radiatum and Moniezia benedini were present. Calicophoron calicophorum and nodules of Onchocerca spp. and Oe. radiatum were recorded in adult cattle. Seasonal fluctuations in helminth parasite burdens are discussed in relation to temperature and rainfall and the results are interpreted in relation to the effects of helminthosis on present and future beef production in this area.

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