
Black gobies (Gobius niger) from the Finnish Archipelago, Baltic Sea, were screened for helminth infections in summer 2020. Helminths were identified morphologically and/or molecularly. Altogether 26 novel sequences were generated and analysed using maximum likelihood estimation. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial genes revealed the presence of 8 species belonging to the Digenea (Diplostomum mergi Lineage 3), Cestoda (Bothriocephalus scorpii), Nematoda (Contracaecum rudolphii A, Cucullanus sp. and Hysterothylacium aduncum), and Acanthocephala (a putative new species of Corynosoma, Corynosoma semerme and Neoechinorhynchus sp.). Phylogenetic and comparative sequence analyses revealed that the putative new acanthocephalan species is closely related to C. neostrumosum described from the Caspian seal, Pusa caspica, in the Caspian Sea. The black goby represents a new host record for four parasite species (Diplostomum mergi Lineage 3, Contracaecum rudolphii A, Corynosoma semerme and Corynosoma sp.). The Finnish Archipelago is a novel locality record for three species (Corynosoma sp., Diplostomum mergi Lineage 3 and Bothriocephalus scorpii).

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