
Bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were isolated from blood collected from 6 cattle. After treatment with neuraminidase, 40 or 60% of the cells were shown to combine with Helix Pomatia A hemagglutinin (HP) depending whether a direct or indirect fluorescence technique was used. About 20% of the cells were Ig-bearing. With double staining fluorescence technique, it was shown that cells attaching to HP were not Ig-bearing and the reverse. With the aid of HP, covalently bound to Sepharose, Ig-bearing cells could be separated from cell populations attaching to HP. The fraction of cells forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes was proportional to that of HP attaching cells both before and after fractionation on the HP column. It is therefore concluded that HP is a marker for bovine T-cells, and that this lectin may be used to separate B-cells from T-cells.

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