
Peter Hansen (Copenhagen 1840 – Hellerup 1905) was a journalist and essayist, whowrote energetically and in a lively manner, and who was also active as a translator. HisIllustrated History of Danish Literature in three volumes is important, especially the thirdvolume, which makes it possible to approach Danish literature of the 19th century inmany ways. This comprehensive volume is an important instrument of research withregard to those parts of the literature of this period, which have not received muchattention from posterity, such as the writers on the Conservative side of the cultural debatein the last third of the century. The article investigates in which sense this historyof literature can be termed conservative, describes its views and interests, includinghow it refers to Christianity, patriotic feeling, and the conservative writers. Hansen’swork puts emphasis on a national revival and less on a religious one. The unified wholeis presented as a philosophy of life, and History means exceedingly much within thistotality. Peter Hansen wished to see Danish culture as a unity, making scholarship alsoa part of the literature, and he made various scholars write descriptions of their owndisciplines in the 19th century. P. Hansen puts emphasis on clarity, in the authors he isdealing with, as well as in his own presentation. He also wants to avoid exaggerations,e.g. with regard to national feelings, which are otherwise a mayor concern to him. Themain impression is therefore a broad and balanced representation of the topic, mainlyin accordance with the National Liberal movement of the century. The article showsthat this attitude manifests itself also in a lack of criticism as to principles of the culturalradicalism of the day, despite expressing opposition to certain means of fightingin the debate. An attitude to life is rather reflected in the optimism which he maintainscontrary to the pessimism of the naturalists.

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