
Helena Antipoff was one of the pioneers in the constitution of the fields of knowledge of educational psychology and special education in Brazil. Born in Russia, Antipoff received her education in Paris and Geneva. Researches in the history of education and of psychology have revealed the innovative character of Antipoff’s work as a researcher, as a professor and as a founder of different educational institutions in Brazil, with a focus on educational and psychological care for children with disabilities or at social risk. Her career is characterized by a sound scientific approach combined with a deep commitment to the right of children and youth to education and care. These directions can be associated with her scientific training in the sciences of education in a time of social turbulence and school reform, when many women became professionals in the field of education, trying to combine family, work and militant activity.


  • Helena Antipoff (1892-1974), a Russian psychologist and educator, settled in Brazil from 1929, played a role of great relevance in the establishment of areas of study and research in psychology and education in the country

  • Worked in institutions for the shelter and education of abandoned children, in a social-risk situation, in revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1924. She was an assistant professor at the University of Geneva (1927-1929), and in 1929, because of this work, she was invited to direct one of the first laboratories of pedagogical psychology established in Brazil, linked to the Teachers’ College in Belo Horizonte, capital of the State of Minas Gerais

  • Helena Antipoff is considered a pioneer in the psychology of development and education in Brazil for her work as a researcher, university professor and creator of institutions

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Helena Antipoff (1892-1974), a Russian psychologist and educator, settled in Brazil from 1929, played a role of great relevance in the establishment of areas of study and research in psychology and education in the country. As Haengelli-Jenni observed concerning the participants of the New Education Fellowship in the interwar period, Helena Antipoff combined scientific activity with political militancy for educational reform in her work and by the attention to the rights of children and young people They stress especially in Antipoff’s case the adhesion to science as a means of adapting to diverse environments and cultures, utilising scientific language as a lingua franca in the different countries in which she acted professionally, making of the sciences of education a passport for the building of a productive and successful career

Education in Europe
Exceptional Children
Unpublished sources
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