
This study is an attempt to characterize the word logos. In this research process, Heidegger’s phenomenological method will be taken into account as much as possible. Explanations on the logos in the “Second Chapter” of Heidegger’s “Preface” of Being and Time, published in 1927, will form the scope of the study. The study will present its research in three stages. In the first of these stages, the following subjects will be investigated: how Heidegger handles the word logos in his book Being and Time, what method he follows here, and what are the main theses on which this method is based. In the second stage, the terms “alêtheia”, “signifier”, “signified”, “phenomenon”, “appearance” will be discussed in Heidegger’s phenomenology understanding. As a matter of fact, each of these are terms with which this study directly or indirectly relates. In addition, what this study has done is essentially a phenomenological exposition of the logos. Therefore, this exposition will also be included in the scope of the study. The words “explain” and “interpret” will be used to aid this exposition. In the third stage, “Recharacterization of the Logos”, the main issue of the study, the word logos, will be discussed and it will be questioned how it can be expressed in accordance with its original form.

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