
I compare ancient with modern empires and show why hegemony beyond the militaryrealm is possible only in the modern capitalist world. I examine Germany, Spain and France, whichfailed to achieve hegemony, along with the three successive hegemons: the Netherlands, Britain,and the United States. I identify the elites that were created and strengthened by their homepolity’s empire or hegemony, and enumerate the factors that allowed some colonial elites to achievehigh levels of autonomy. Colonial elite autonomy or high levels of elite unity in the metropoleprevented or undermined hegemony.


  • All polities since the advent of capitalism, and almost all large-scale polities in the millennia before have been ruled by multiple elites

  • I offer a typology of modern empires, differentiating them in terms of (1) the extent to which colonial elites were autonomous from the metropole and (2) the degree to which colonial elites had influence over the metropolitan political economy

  • Modern empires had very different elite structures than ancient empires or the Ottoman Empire, which were characterized by two domestic elites at home, and an additional provincial elite in the conquered lands that was kept in line largely by military force

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Richard Lachmann

Resumo Comparo impérios antigos e modernos e mostro de que forma a hegemonia além da esfera militar é possível apenas no mundo capitalista moderno. Analiso a Alemanha, a Espanha e a França, que falharam no alcance da hegemonia, juntamente com três poderes hegemónicos sucessivos: Holanda, Grã-Bretanha e Estados Unidos. Identifico as elites que foram criadas e reforçadas pelos regimes imperiais ou hegemónicos dos seus países, e enumero fatores que permitiram a algumas elites coloniais alcançar elevados níveis de autonomia. A autonomia de certas elites coloniais ou os níveis elevados de unidade das elites das metrópoles impediram ou enfraqueceram a hegemonia.

What is an elite?
Recruiting and maintaining ancient armies
Provincial elites and the limits of Roman dominance
Domination not hegemony
What made modern empires different
World economi and geopolitics
How to study modern empires and hegemons
High Dutch colonies Spanish American colonies
Types of modern empires
Autonomous colonial elites
Colonial elites in the metropole
Two outcomes for colonial elites on metropole
Pure imperial exploitation
How hegemons are different
Achieved hegemony
Full Text
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