
The occurrence and distribution of the invasive species Hedychium gardnerianum Sheppard ex Ker Gawl. in the Rural Park of Anaga, Tenerife, is reported in this paper. The literature about this taxon has been reviewed. This species affects priority Habitats of the Nature 2000 network. In order to understand more about the dynamic of this taxon in the Canary Islands and manage this natural park, a distribution map using Geobotanic Information Systems (GBOTIS) has been made. New sheets of the collected material have been added to the herbarium TFC (University of La Laguna). Information about the ecology, ways of reproduction, dispersal, management practice and eradication carried out in other areas, have been gathered to choose the best way to manage the populations enabling control and if possible, removing this species in this protected natural area, according to the projected expansion in the implemented monitoring model

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