
This paper examines the dynamics of hedgerow planting and removal in a study area with marginal agricultural potential in central Jutland. The study is based on a questionnaire survey with farmers in two parishes supplemented by aerial photo interpretation. The first section examine changes in hedgerow network parameters between 1972 and 1995. The length of the hedgerow network declined by 9% during this period. The connectivity of the hedgerow network was very low in both years, indicating that options for species dispersal along hedgerows was poor. The second section analyses the net effect of planting activities between 1987 and 1997 and the motives behind them. Full-time farmers were the most active farm group concerning the proportion of farmers planting hedgerows. Hobby farmers planted more hedgerows than other farm groups. Most hedgerows have been planted in the parish with the greater agricultural potential and lesser need for shelter against wind erosion. This surprising result indicates that subvention had a strong impact on planting activities. Motives related to agricultural production were the dominant reasons for hedgerow activities. More hedgerows were planted than removed between 1987 and 1997, leading to a net increase in the length of the hedgerow network in the study area.

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