
Plenty of companies actively employ financial instruments to hedge looming risks. Although hedging may reduce risks such as exchange rate risk and potential price risk, hedging is also likely to make companies suffer from loss. Options, one of the financial derivatives, bring holders rights instead of obligation to buy or sell the underlying asset at a fixed price. In 2020, Yunnan Baiyao declared that the group intended to conduct stock buybacks hedge the stock price risk of its repurchase plan. The cost of buyback was reduced in that this repurchase plan was combined with OTC put options. Yunnan Baiyao is the leading company in the pharmaceutical and health industry and its market value reached ¥134.24bn which ranked second among its peers as of 2021. Based on this stock purchase plan of Yunnan Baiyao, this article aims to analyze the financial situation of the company and the application of put options in the plan.

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