
Recent works of F. G. Garvan ([Congruences for Andrews' smallest parts partition function and new congruences for Dyson's rank, Int. J. Number Theory6(12) (2010) 281–309; MR2646759 (2011j:05032)]) and Y. Yang ([Congruences of the partition function, Int. Math. Res. Not.2011(14) (2011) 3261–3288; MR2817679 (2012e:11177)] and [Modular forms for half-integral weights on SL 2(ℤ), to appear in Nagoya Math. J.]) concern a certain family of half-integral weight Hecke-invariant subspaces which arise as multiples of fixed odd powers of the Dedekind eta-function multiplied by SL 2(ℤ)-forms of fixed weight. In this paper, we study the image of Hecke operators on subspaces which arise as multiples of fixed even powers of eta multiplied by SL 2(ℤ)-forms of fixed weight.

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