
We study the endomorphism algebras attached to Bernstein components of reductive p-adic groups and construct a local Langlands correspondence with the appropriate set of enhanced L-parameters, using certain “desiderata” properties for the LLC for supercuspidal representations of proper Levi subgroups. We give several applications of our LLC to various reductive groups with Bernstein blocks cuspidally supported on general linear groups.In particular, for Levi subgroups of maximal parabolic subgroups of the split exceptional group G2, we compute the explicit weight functions for the corresponding Hecke algebras, and show that they satisfy a conjecture of Lusztig's. Some results from §4 are used by the same authors to construct a full local Langlands correspondence in [9]. Moreover, we prove a “reduction to depth-zero” result for regular Bernstein blocks (i.e., blocks for which the supercuspidal support of each irreducible representation is regular).

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