
During the past year the MILL Collaboration has continued its study of heavy-light meson decay constants with three dynamical quarks. Calculations have been extended to a second lattice spacing of about 0.09 fm. At this lattice spacing, there are results in the quenched approximation and for three sets of dynamical quark mass: m l = ms; ml = 0.4m s and m l = 0.2m s, where m l is the light mass for the u and d quarks and m s is the strange quark mass. At the coarser lattice spacing, for which results were presented at Lattice 2001, statistics have been increased for two sets of quark masses and three additional sets of quark masses have been studied, giving a total of eight combinations used to interpolate between the quenched and chiral limits. When these calculations are completed, we can study the decay constants taking into account both chiral and continuum extrapolations.

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