
Heavy-electron metals exhibit highly correlated electronic behavior at liquid helium temperatures, with conduction-electron masses some hundred times the free-electron mass. Whether "normal," antiferromagnetic, or superconducting, their electronic behavior differs drastically from their ordinary metallic counterparts. The physical origin of the large mass and unusual superconducting and magnetic properties is the strong coupling between the conduction electrons and the local f-electron moment fluctuations characteristic of these materials.


  • Rcccnt examples includc the supcr6uidity of 3He (1) and the quantizcd Hall cffcct (2). In this articlc wc rcvicw the propcrties ofanother sct ofncw states, thosc found in hcavy-elcctron systcms, clcctrically conducting materials in which the conduction-clectron spccific hcat is typically some 100 timcs !arger than that found in most mctals (3)

  • Wc shall sec that thc physical mcchanism rcsponsiblc for supcrconductivity is an anractive interaction bctwccn elcctrons that rcsults from a virtual cxchange of local momcnt 6uauarions, rather than the cxchangc of phonons that lcads to supcrconductivity in ordinary mctals

  • At high temperatures, hcavy-elcctron systems bchave like a weakly interacting colkction of local moments and conduction electrons, whereas at low temperatures, so far as the.rmal and transport properties are concemed, thcse systems behave like a collection of heavy itinerant clectrons that scatter against one another and may, under some circtunstances, exhibit a transition to a superconducting state

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Museum of Los Angeles C-ounty, Los Angeles, in press}. 17. Museum of Los Angeles C-ounty, Los Angeles, in press}. Soe. G«Jl. Fr., 21, 271 (1979); in Koobi FMa Raetmh Projta, J. Wc thank lhc govcrruncnt ofKcnya and thc govcrnon ofthc National Museums of Kcnya for pcrmission ro study fossil matc:rials in thc coUcctions. Kimcu and othcr mcmbcrs of lhc sta[5] of thc National Museums of Kcnya for assistancc in lhc ficld and laborarory.

States of Matter
Normal State Behavior
Kondo Systems
Fermi Liquid Theory
Magnetic Properties
Concluding Remarks
Tropical Forests and the Global Carbon Cycle
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