
We use a four-dimensional lattice calculation of the full-QCD (quantum chromodynamics, the non-abelian gauge theory of the strong interactions of quarks and gluons) path integrals needed to determine the masses of the charmed and bottom baryons. In the charm sector, our results are in good agreement with experiment within our systematics, except for the spin-1/2 Ξ c c , for which we found the isospin-averaged mass to be Ξ c c to be 3665 ± 17 ± 14 − 78 + 0 MeV . We predict the mass of the (isospin-averaged) spin-1/2 Ω c c to be 3763 ± 19 ± 26 − 79 + 13 MeV . In the bottom sector, our results are also in agreement with experimental observations and other lattice calculations within our statistical and systematic errors. In particular, we find the mass of the Ω b to be consistent with the recent CDF measurement. We also predict the mass for the as yet unobserved Ξ b ′ to be 5955(27) MeV.

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