
We perform a systematic study of the effects of the type-I seesaw mechanism on the dark matter abundance in the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM) which includes three right-handed neutrinos (the {nu}CMSSM). For large values of m{sub 0}, m{sub 1/2}, we exploit the effects of large neutrino Yukawa couplings on the renormalization group evolution of the up-type Higgs. In particular, we show that the focus point scale can greatly exceed the electroweak scale resulting in the absence of a focus point region for which the relic density of neutralinos is within the range determined by WMAP. We also discuss the effects of the right-handed neutrinos on the so-called funnel region, where the relic density is controlled by s-channel annihilations through a heavy Higgs. For small values of m{sub 0}, m{sub 1/2}, we discuss the possibility of sneutrino coannihilation regions with an emphasis on the suppression of the left-handed slepton doublet masses due to the neutrino Yukawa coupling. We consider two types of toy models consistent with either the normal or inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses.

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