
We analyze physical observables of heavy quarks in gravity models describing strongly coupled non-conformal plasmas with anisotropy via the gauge/gravity duality. The focus lies on the binding energy of static quark-antiquark ( qoverline{q} -)pairs, the maximum distance (screening distance) of a bound qoverline{q} -pair and the drag force on uniformly moving quarks in the hot plasma. In order to discover universal behavior in the observables, the computations are worked out in a two parameter deformation of pure gravity in AdS5 spacetime with a black brane which is assumed to be dual to a respective two parameter deformation of mathcal{N} = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory at temperature T. The deformation is designed to break isotropy and conformal symmetry and is a solution to equations of motion of a gravity action.


  • The gauge/string duality is an additional promising tool to describe strongly coupled systems like the QCP. It includes systems at finite temperature by considering Schwarzschild-type black branes [20, 21] and — by the nature of the duality — it maps the strong coupled regime of a gauge theory to the weakly coupled regime of the dual string theory, s.t. calculation can be performed in a classicalgravity theory

  • Speaking there exist two philosophies within the community of gauge/string duality applied to hot plasma

  • Either one uses a top-down construction where one starts from ten-dimensional string theory and tries to derive the requested dual theory or a bottom-up construction where one usually starts with a five-dimensional supergravity action with a matter content of fields and solves their equations of motion

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Single-parameter isotropic deformation

We assume that the deformation on the gravity side leads to a deformation of the dual N = 4 SYM theory and in particular breaks conformal invariance explicitly. The deformation is a bottom-up construction solving 5D gravity equation of motions with specific boundary conditions. For a vanishing matter content, Lmatter = 0, solving the latter action gives pure Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space, that is dual to N = 4 SYM theory. The last boundary condition arises from the requirement to recover AdS for vanishing parameter c. With the specification of the boundary conditions the construction above defines a one-parameter deformation of AdS5. It can be solved numerically for a large interval of the deformation parameter c, so that it is well suited to investigate a large number of theories. Already there we see how the difference of the functions to pure AdS space grows for larger c

Single-parameter anisotropic deformation
Two-parameter combined deformation
Temperature and entropy density in the different models
Heavy quarks in the deformed model
Screening and binding energy
Screening distance
Binding energy
Drag force on a single moving quark
A Derivations of T
B Long equations
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