
Surface sediments contamination (heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans) and benthic community of the Valli di Comacchio, were analysed from 2002 to 2013. Along the studied period, most of analysed pollutants did not exceed thresholds for Good chemical status of sediments. In 2008, a peak of contamination was observed, with total PAHs and OCPs exceeding their threshold. Considering metals, Ni and Cr exceeded their thresholds, but not the background levels for the area, suggesting natural enrichment; conversely Pb exceeded background levels for the area in many samples, but it exceeded its sediment quality thresholds only in few samples (2006, 2009, 2011). Conversely, the ecological status evaluated though AMBI and M-AMBI, was below the Good/Moderated thresholds established by WFD in most of the studied years. In the 11 yrs-study period, the benthic community showed a very weak response to chemical contamination.

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