
Bushmeat have provided complimentary protein for human population across the world over the centuries. This study assessed the concentration of heavy metals in bushmeats in New Bussa and its environs. Three carcass of bush meat (Kobus kob (Kob), Tragelaphus scriptus (Bushbuck) and Sylvicapra grimmia (Duiker)) were sourced from the study area. The carcass was digested and concentrations of nine heavy metals (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Co and Cd) were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Results obtained for the heavy metal analysis were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) while Pearson’s correlation was used to determine the relationship in the samples. The heavy metal concentration in muscle tissues of the selected bushmeat revealed that zinc with 815.00±13.00 mg/kg in Kob was the highest mean value of all meat samples, followed by Iron (479.00±10.00 mg/kg) in Duiker while Pb level in Bushbuck 213.00±3.00 mg/kg is outrageously the highest. Copper, Chromium and Nickel did not exceed the permissible limits as set by FEPA/WHO. The concentration pattern of heavy metals in bush meat show that Sylvicapra grimmia and Tragelaphus scriptus had the same pattern of Zn>Fe>Pb>Cr>Mn>Cu>Co>Ni>Cd concentration while Kobus kob pattern of association is Zn>Fe>Cr>Pb>Ni>Cu>Co>Cd>Mn. The comparative study of the heavy metal concentrations revealed that Zinc (Zn) recorded the highest frequency, followed by Iron (Fe) and Lead (Pb). This study has shown that high level of Pb in the samples from the study area is a matter of concern in bush meat consumption in the study area; hence people should be warned of impending danger in the consumption of heavy metals contaminated bush meat.
 Keywords: Bushmeat, heavy metals, concentration, toxicity, contaminated


  • Bushmeat have provided complimentary protein for human population across the world over the centuries

  • Heavy metal concentrations in muscles of Bush meat from New Bussa and its environs: The heavy metal concentration in muscle tissue of the selected bush meat is shown in Table 4.1, in which zinc recorded the highest mean value in all the samples, followed by Iron and Cadmium which is the least

  • Chromium and Nickel did not exceed the permissible limits as set by FEPA/WHO

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Bushmeat have provided complimentary protein for human population across the world over the centuries. Hunting practices such as use of guns and baits used for killing wild animals could be a great threat to human life due to the presence of harmful chemicals or heavy metals such as Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu), etc.

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