
Since the discovery of the respirasome constituted by complexes I, III2, and IV, its precise participation in mitochondrial bioenergetics is poorly understood. We previously determined a higher NADH:DBQ oxidoreductase activity coupled to a lower ROS production by the respirasome than the free complex I. Toxicological studies suggest that respiratory complexes are heavy metals target during mitochondrial intoxication increasing ROS production, reducing ATP synthesis and cell viability; however, the inhibition of respiratory complexes activities by heavy metals is still unknown. Here we showed a putative deactivation of the respirasomal-complex I by seven of the most toxicologically relevant heavy metals, without increasing the ROS production. Contrastingly, the free complex I was more resistant to heavy metals but was 30 times more ROS-producing. These results underlie the preventive role of the respirasome in mitochondrial electron leak and ROS production and recall its disassembled in some pathologies which involve mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress.

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