
Situ Gunung Putri is one of the urban lakes in Bogor Regency, Indonesia, which has been affected by population growth and industrialization, making these waters vulnerable to heavy metals contamination. This study aimed to determine the distribution and concentration of heavy metals in Situ Gunung Putri in the water, sediment, and fish. Heavy metals were analyzed using the acid destruction method referring to APHA Standard Methods, while data analysis consisted of descriptive analysis and Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF). Heavy metals concentration in surface water still meets the tolerable value of national quality standards, except for Pb. Meanwhile, heavy metals concentration in sediments has exceeded the Threshold Effect Level (TEL) and Probability Effect Level (PEL) of Canadian Freshwater Sediment Guidelines, and the highest concentrations for all metals found at station 1, located near the inlet from the industries. Metals analysis in fish flesh showed that they exceeded the permitted threshold, except for Cu. Several types of heavy metals show a negative correlation between fish body length and heavy metal concentrations. The BAF value in fish flesh shows results of >1000 for Cu and Zn metals.

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