
The present study aimed to assess the levels of heavy metals and metalloids present in six seaweeds and their potential impact on consumption. The highest concentration of 11 metals, i.e., Be (0.47 mg/kg), Co (4.34 mg/kg), Cr (23.46 mg/kg), Cu (11.96 mg/kg), Fe (2290.26 mg/kg), Li (11.55 mg/kg), Ni (13.75 mg/kg), Pb (6.67 mg/kg), Ti (736.62 mg/kg), Tl (0.14 mg/kg), and V (33.09 mg/kg) were observed in Enteromorpha intestinalis (green seaweeds). Besides, the highest concentration of Ca (1071.09 mg/kg), Cd (5.81 mg/kg), Mn (1003.41 mg/kg), Sr (2838.86 mg/kg), and Zn (41.95 mg/kg) were found in Padina tetrastromatica (brown seaweeds). Eight metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr, Fe) have been used to assess the potential health risk for adults, but no potential health risk was detected (HQ value > 1). The HI value of E. intestinalis and P. tetrastromatica were >1, implying that these two seaweeds are not safe for human consumption as there is a carcinogenic health risk for adults.

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